Sunday, 30 August 2015

101 Things in 1001 Days #92

Upload a Video on YouTube

When I wrote this, I am pretty sure I had in mind some kind of DIY Tutorial or similar. But I'll be totally honest with you - I would find that hideously awkward! I wouldn't even know where to begin & definitely don't have the confidence to sit in front of a camera & babble on before uploading it for all to see. Scary! So instead, I have settled for a lovely little GoPro video edit of a Sunday bike ride in the sun we had a few weeks ago. It was a lovely day & we didn't have much else to do. I got Nick the GoPro for his Birthday so we thought it would be fun to test it out. I did a very basic video edit & added in some music. It was really fun & I want to make so many more videos of our day trips/adventures so watch this space (although I wouldn't ever do a proper vlog as again, I think I would be too awkward). So here is my first (very simple) YouTube video.

I hope you enjoyed it! If you did, please hit the like button. And if you want to stay updated with any of our future advertures, maybe hit the subcribe button :)


Music: Love Like This - Kodaline

Friday, 28 August 2015

100 Happy Days // Challenge Completed

I cannot believe my 100 Happy Days has come to an end! I started this challenge wayyyy back in May, which seems like such a long time ago now. It is amazing how quickly the time has gone & the things that have changed during that time as well. Here are my final photos of the last part of my 100 Happy Days...

Some highlights of my 100 Happy Days include winning a competition, being offered a new job, selling an item on Etsy & becoming a Make-a-Wish Volunteer. Although these are really big & exciting things, I have also learnt to enjoy the simple, everyday things in life - like making a really yummy dinner, reading a good book & spending time with my friends! If you want to take a look at all of my 100 Happy Day photos you can either search the Hashtag "100HappyDaysOfZoFlo" on Instagram or see my blog updates listed below

Have you completed the 100 Happy Days Challenge? 


Thursday, 27 August 2015

Thursday Thoughts #37

Happy Thursday!

It's been such a rainy week here in Somerset & I totally agree with todays Thursday Thoughts...

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When the weather is rubbish, there isn't much else to do! Sometimes it's okay to spend the day snuggled on the sofa, with a blanket, a book & a cup of tea!


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Throwback // As Level Textiles

I have always been a "keen bean" when it came to Textiles. I absolutely loved it as School & graded highly in it. After my second year of college - when I figured out that English Literature just wasn't for me (yawn) - I decided to pick up As Level Textiles. Looking back, I could of done so much better, but I was at that careless age where I didn't give a damn & had no idea where my life was heading. So for a giggle, I thought I would share with you some of my amazing As Level Textiles Exam Work!

So my exam theme was Sanctuary: Beach. And apparently, this was my inspiration...

I am assuming this was about the time that Girls Aloud were cool & "I Can't Speak French" was released. I was obviously very keen on the slutty, shipwrecked look! I have some images taken from my sketchbook showing my thought processes & how I got to my final piece - which I must add, looks nothing like the above!

I made prints from real fish (eww) & shells I some how aquired - probably from a tacky seaside shop - which are included in my sketchbook. Thankfully, I only opted for shell prints on my final piece, so it doesn't smell fishy! I also ended up making it faaaar too small, which was fine by me as it meant I didn't have to model it in the College Fashion Show. The girl who modelled it for me was lovely & slim & had legs to die for, so it was probably for the best! As you can see, it doesn't look anything like my original inspiration, but it is still quite beachy/slutty so I think it turned out okay(ish). At the time I remember I was really pleased, until I got my exam results back then I realised that it actually was a bit crap (I got a C which is okay, but not the same as my A I got at GCSE)!

Although this has been a rather different post, I hope you enjoyed stepping back in time with me & looking at my appaulling work. If you did, then you must thank my wonderful Mother, who decided she no longer wanted my portfolio at her house (so rude) so hand delivered it to my house...! Cheers Suzy, you inspired me to share my work with the blogging community.

Next time: A peep at my BTEC Photography Work - if you fancy it?


Thursday, 20 August 2015

Thursday Thoughts #36

Happy Thursday!

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Life is not always a competition to be better than others. Just be the best possible version of yourself & do the best that you can. Enjoy the rest of your week!


Thursday, 13 August 2015

Thursday Thoughts #35

Happy Thursday!

This week has been my first week off & I have had so much time to do lots of crafty projects, so I think this weeks thoughts are really relevant...

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Every morning I wake up thinking "What shall I do today.." & I always have something crafty in mind. Always! I have another 2 weeks of this....Horrraaaay!


101 Things in 1001 Days #95

Grow Sunflowers

 I love Sunflowers. They always remind me of summer & are so pretty. I have wanted to grow my own for so long, but just never really got around to buying any seeds. Last year, I was given some memory seeds, in memory of a relative who passed away, so I definitely wanted to plant these ones. They seemed more special than any other seed! Instead of popping one in a pot, I went a little crazy & scattered a few in one plant pot. Ooops. I am now overrun with Sunflowers! I honestly didn't expect them all to grow, as my experience with growing my own vegetables led me to believe that not everything grows (I'll be uploading a post about growing veggies in the future, so keep your eyes peeled). 

Only one pot of my many Sunflowers...!

Just looking at them out the window makes me smile. Even when it's raining they brighten up the garden. I have some seeds left, so definitely want to have another go at it next year. Perhaps next time I'll grow less though & focus on getting them to climb higher. Have you grown your own Sunflowers before? Do you have any tips?


Tuesday, 11 August 2015

100 Happy Days // Update #4

It's Day 85 of my 100 Happy Days - Wow. And it is amazing how much can change in the space of 100 Days! Since my last update we have celebrated our 2 year anniversary, I experimented in the kitchen LOTS, we brought a new bed & went to the best cocktail bar with friends. It's been busy to say the least...

With only 15 days left, I feel slightly sad that it is nearly over. It's lovely photographing the things that make you happy everyday. What will my final 15 days bring me...?


Catch up on my other updates below:

Sunday, 9 August 2015

How To // Fabric Pinboard

This is a How To post I have been meaning to do for a while so I am really excited to finally share it with you - it is probably my favourite one by far. I really needed a Pinboard for my craft room, but wanted something a little more exciting (pretty) than a standard one, so I rummaged through my fabric stash & sewing box to see what I could use. Here is a list of what I used to make my Fabric Pinboard:
  • Pinboard (any size you like)
  • Fabric of your choice (enough to cover your pinboard)
  • Purple Ribbon
  • Staple Gun
  • Fabric Scissors
  • Decorative Pegs

  1.  Lay the Pinboard on top of the fabric & measure 3 inches around the edge. Cut out the fabric using nice, sharp fabric scissors.
  2. Lay the Pinboard face down on the wrong side of the fabric & starting with one side, pull the fabric nice & tight before using the staple gun to secure. Start in the middle & work your way out. Once you have completed the first side, move on to the opposite side next followed by the other two sides.
  3. I had some spare fabric so I used it to make a little pouch at the bottom by folding the fabric (to create a nice clean edge) & pulling tight & stapling to the back of the pinboard.
  4. I stapled some purple ribbon so it ran along the top of the pinboard too, so I could use the decorative pegs.

Humphrey Getting Involved!

 And that's it. This is such a simple How To but looks so great. And you can use any fabric you like & any sized Pinboard! I picked up some Giant Push Pins from Tesco which are a lush addition too (although they leave quite a big hole in the fabric so I would recommend always using the same hole for the pin!!!).

What do you think? If you have a go at this one, please share your photos on my Facebook page or you can Tweet me. I love seeing peoples makes!


Thursday, 6 August 2015

101 Things in 1001 Days #72

Make a New Friend

Last year I discovered #CraftBlogClub on Twitter. Every Tuesday they have various discussions on Twitter encouraging other Crafters to share their makes, crafting experiences & advice. Throughout the year there are also different opportunities to take part in challenges, which are more often than not gift swaps which are lovely as it is always nice to recieve a handmade gift. I was so pleased when I discovered it as it was a great place to talk to like-minded others & get inspiration from others too! I have asked many of them for advice, particularly with my new Etsy shop I have set up recently, & they were all more than happy to help! Although I haven't met any of these fellow Crafters/Bloggers in real life, I think I would consider them to be my new Friends of the Twitter/Blogging World, so I am hoping this counts as one of my 101 Things! 

craftblogclub badge
Photo Source

You should definitely take a look at some of their blogs too - they all blog about a mixture of lifestyle & crafts with perhaps a drop of beauty & fashion too!

Laydey Katabella
Fizzi Jayne Makes
Katie Gets Crafty
Live Peachy
Kay O
Chloe Jackson
Oodles of Craft
Jenny DIY
Gift Frippery

This is only a handful of the lovely people that join in with #CraftBlogClub but if you want to get involved then definitely drop by on a Tuesday evening - everyone is so friendly!


Thursday Thoughts #34

Happy Thursday!

Some crafty motivation for you this week. Anyone else get super excited when they complete a project or make a great achievement...

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...I do! And reading this makes me want to begin another project so I can feel that sense of achievement again!

Sunday, 2 August 2015

Sunday Baking // Chocolate Mallow in the Middle Cakes

I saw these on Pinterest (which led me to TheShabbyCreekCottage Blog) & thought it was the best idea & sounded soooo yummy! Me & Nick were hosting a Birthday BBQ for some friends so I thought these would be perfect birthday cakes for everyone to eat post BBQ! I'll admit, I was feeling a little lazy so I picked up Betty Crockers Devils Food Cake Mix instead of making my own (sorry) but you could make your own chocolate cake mix from scratch. So here is my lazy version of Chocolate Mallow in the Middle Cakes... 

You will need:
  • Betty Crockers Devils Food Cake Mix
  • 3 Eggs
  • Vegetable Oil
  • Marshmallows x 2 Packets
  •  Betty Crockers Chocolate Fudge Icing
  • Wafer Butterflies to Decorate (optional)

  1.  Heat the oven to 180°C & line a cake tin with 24 cases.
  2. Following the steps on the Devils Food Cake Mix packet, mix all your ingredients together in a mixing bowl (or you could obviously make your own cake mix)
  3. Spoon the mix into 24 cupcake cases, filling each case half full with mixture.
  4. Gently push a marshmallow into the centre of each one & pop them in the oven for 15-20 minutes
  5. When they come out of the oven, they will look like a fat mess. But don't panic - it's okay (according to TheShabbyCreekCottage) ! Pop another marshmallow on top of the original one & put the cupcakes back into the oven for a further 2 minutes.
  6. Leave them until they have completely cooled - I think I left mine for about an hour - before adding Chocolate Fudge Icing to the top (or, again, you could make your own icing). Decorate with Wafer Butterflies - or any other edible cake decoration of your choice!

 And you're done! They are so simple & yummy. What do you think? They would be perfect to make with the kids on a rainy day during the summer holidays...!

 I absolutely love them & would also recommend the Betty Crocker Cake Mix if you are feeling lazy. I have never used a cake mix before so wasn't sure what to expect but in all honesty, it's so dreamy. And the Chocolate Fudge Icing is amazing too! The Marshmallows are a great little surprised too for those who aren't expecting it!

Let me know if you have a go at making these - I would love to see how they turn out for you!
